On Father's Day, Sunday, June 16th, 2013, the Rinzai Zen Sangha hosted an All Day Zazen-Kai at Ungan's Zendo in the Bronx with Ven Eido Shimano Roshi as its honored guest. He shared with the Sangha his deepest insights from words of the Master Rinzai through the Rinzai Roku. It was a precious moment for all present to witness this Teisho. Our deepest thanks to Eido Roshi for allowing this recording to be shared with the Rinzai Zen Sangha online
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Father's Day ZazenKai at Ungan Zendo 6-16-2013
On Father's Day, Sunday, June 16th, 2013, the Rinzai Zen Sangha hosted an All Day Zazen-Kai at Ungan's Zendo in the Bronx with Ven Eido Shimano Roshi as its honored guest. He shared with the Sangha his deepest insights from words of the Master Rinzai through the Rinzai Roku. It was a precious moment for all present to witness this Teisho. Our deepest thanks to Eido Roshi for allowing this recording to be shared with the Rinzai Zen Sangha online