On Sunday, August 18th, 2013, the Rinzai Zen Sangha hosted an all-day DAI SEGAKI ZAZEN‐KAI at the Kips Bay Community Center in New York City. Ven. Eido Shimano Roshi was the honored guest to lead this special Sangha event. He delivered his Dharma talk about the meaning of Dai Segaki by discussing the true nature of 'hungry ghosts" [See the video to come] as applied to deceased beings known and unknown as well as the real "hungry ghosts" found in all of us. At the end the sangha gathered together for a group photo below, then cleaned up together to have an informal Tea Party (Sarei) before parting their separate ways back home.
Dai Segaki 2013 Kips Bay NYC
Dai Segaki is a
traditional ceremony when we commemorate our ancestors,
all beings, known and
unknown, who have gone before us.
More importantly, we acknowledge that we are
the “hungry ghosts”
with greed, anger, folly, jealousy, insecurity, fear, etc.
With these emotional and psychological elements, we are so thirsty
waiting to
receive a drop of Dharma Nectar
as if we face a barren desert.