All Day Zazen Kai at Kips Bay -July 6th, 2013
The doors will open at 9:00 am for registration and Zazen will start at 9:30 am. Lunch will be served at noon. Then, there will be a Dharma talk by Eido Roshi in the afternoon followed by more Zazen and an informal Sarei at 5pm. The suggested contribution for the ALL DAY ZAZEN-KAI including lunch will be $40 per person which will be collected at the door. Seating will be very limited so please confirm your RSVP as soon as possible.
We hope that this occasion will not interrupt your plans to attend Anniversary Sesshin at Dai Bosatsu Zendo if you had it scheduled in your calendar. We will certainly look foward to other occasions to meet. However, for those already in the city wishing to attend, we welcome you to join us
On Saturday, July 6th, 2013, the Rinzai Zen Sangha will host an ALL DAY ZAZEN-KAI at Kips Bay Community Center in New York City. Ven. Eido Shimano Roshi will be our honored guest to lead this Sangha occasion.
The doors will open at 9:00 am for registration and Zazen will start at 9:30 am. Lunch will be served at noon. Then, there will be a Dharma talk by Eido Roshi in the afternoon followed by more Zazen and an informal Sarei at 5pm.
We hope that this occasion will not interrupt your plans to attend Anniversary Sesshin at Dai Bosatsu Zendo if you had it scheduled in your calendar. We will certainly look foward to other occasions to meet. However, for those already in the city wishing to attend, we welcome you to join us
Please contact me if you have any questions, comments or
requests. All RSVPS will be sent to me at
and confirmed by return email with further instructions and travel details once you are registered. Thank you. I look forward to hear from you soon.